Shut Up

Monday, July 03, 2006

"Missionaries Storming Israelis"

That's the headline this morning at It describes Jews for Jesus' summer activities in New York City as "a bid to convince Jews to convert and join the sect."

Among the weirder statements are that Jews for Jesus "will prove to you that the Torah's teachings are manipulative"—weird because Jews for Jesus and all evangelical Christians happen to believe the Tanach (Hebrew for the Old Testament) is God's communication to us, that it's true and that it's helpful for our lives as well as a repository of the messianic hope.

The other weird thing is the note that two of the target groups are single Jews and, um, "Jews who vote." Huh? How's that again?

Clicking this image will, however, give you a Flash animation entitled, "Who Needs Politics," apropos for anyone who votes, Jewish or non-Jewish.

A lively conversation ensues in the talkback box at the web site.

According to the article, the way to "resist" missionaries is to say, "No thank you. I am happy with my Judaism."

Which of course completely neglects the question as to whether Jesus is the Messiah or not. And the question as to whether happiness is the arbiter of what's right. I suspect many Orthodox Jews would not be glad to see secular Jews reject the Torah because "I am happy being an atheist."

Thought question: Is Jesus the Messiah?
Thought question #2: Is happiness all it's cracked up to be?


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